A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.

why shree swaminarayan gurukul ?

How is Swaminarayan Gurukul different from other International Schools?

  • Is there a difference between Land and Nation? House and Home? Boy and Son?
  • Yes! There is difference between International Schools and Swaminarayan Gurukul!
  • Aren’t we proud of our nation for UNITY IN DIVERSITY? We enjoy numerous festivals, celebrations, cultural occasions, spirituality & our family – everything that emotionally unite us to experience peace and happiness. No other country is blessed with the culture we Indians have.
  • But LOOK “What is TV showing our children?”, “What do they do on internet?” – What do you expect him to learn? And what do you think they will actually learn? What is our Future?
  • Along with International Standard Educational services, Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School answers all these questions with its dedicated efforts in inculcating Moral Values & Spirituality along with world class Education in its students – 
  • Your Child. Your FUTURE!

Framework of Swaminarayan Gurukul Value System

Holistic Development of the child in 21st century is challenging in itself. At Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International Schools, we deeply understand that today’s parents are worried and equally confused about their child’s holistic development.

Few concerns of child development…

  • Why such a mad-rush for Marks & Ranks, can they actually judge my child?
  • Aren’t we pressurizing our kids & killing their hidden skills, talent & creativity in competition?
  • Why can’t we equally focus on Extra-curricular activities & Sports, has that nothing to do with his future?
  • What if we cannot spend time with child properly at home, due to work?
  • What if my child has a unique talent, but just not so good at Studies?
  • How to handle my child’s behaviour? he argues & disobey.
  • How to balance between Western Culture & Indian Culture?
  • Many more. (Read our “must-read” article about 21st Century Parenting)

True! We believe that every child is unique and has got a capability scope whether it is a subject, sports or other co-curricular activities. The prime goal of schools is to give knowledge to the child through their education system but Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International Schools’ education system is about understanding the hidden talents, strengths, passion, feelings, morality, spirituality and dwell through all those weaknesses within a child. Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul has emerged as a boon to nurture their qualities and help them to grow better as a human being.

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul’s strong value system is the only one-stop-solution for 21st century concerns of children, parents & society for the Framework is designed on the proven principles of ancient & transformational Gurukul Value System. We strive the best practices through various tools and techniques to inculcate these values into the children adapting to present social and cultural changes. Which lead to our practice of  Transforming Life through

We believe in value education


Education is not a mean to earn a living but to be qualified enough to contribute to world with a decent career. The traditional education system has to be redefined to impart the actual values of an educated being. The values of Vidya encampuses all prerequisite of modern world professional.

  • Knowledge – Profound understanding of the concepts & their real life application
  • Leadership – Acquire essential qualities of inspiring others towards a Noble Ambition, understanding of responsibilities and skills to use the power that benefits all.
  • Curiosity – Enhances the questioning abilities, improving learning abilities, generating the skills of analyzing things in detail.
  • Creativity – Boost the hidden skills, out of the box thinking abilities to bring imagination into reality and gain expertise in technicalities.
  • Dynamism – Being proactive, acquiring self-confidence, motivating oneself & the team along with sincerity & discipline.

Transforming the lives of the students from the very beginning by imparting the knowledge with the real essence of values & morals extracted from Ancient Indian culture transforming the life of a student into a happy & joyful journey. Imparting Sadvidya helps a student to develop…

  • Integrity – The quality of being prudent by Intention, Attitude, behaviour & action. Develops good source for dwelling the qualities like truthfulness, honesty, positive attitude, and moral practices.
  • Gratefulness – Having gratitude & being respectful towards – God, Saints, Parents, Elders & Natural Resources – every person & thing that is part of our ecosystem.
  • Free from Bad Habits – Developing strong mindset & barrier to prohibit bad habits like insulting, smoking, drinking, drugs or addiction, adultery, gambling or any future bad habits.
  • Empathy – To not just know the pain & emotion of others but also feel, care & act to the best at the same time.
  • Non-violence –  Every living being is part of moral fabric, Nobody can seize their right to live for one’s own benefit. Thus, being kind to the all living beings is the fundamental duty of every human being.

Transforming the lives of the students from the very beginning by imparting the knowledge with the real essence of values & morals extracted from Ancient Indian culture transforming the life of a student into a happy & joyful journey. Imparting Sadvidya helps a student to develop…

  • Integrity – The quality of being prudent by Intention, Attitude, behaviour & action. Develops good source for dwelling the qualities like truthfulness, honesty, positive attitude, and moral practices.
  • Gratefulness – Having gratitude & being respectful towards – God, Saints, Parents, Elders & Natural Resources – every person & thing that is part of our ecosystem.
  • Free from Bad Habits – Developing strong mindset & barrier to prohibit bad habits like insulting, smoking, drinking, drugs or addiction, adultery, gambling or any future bad habits.
  • Empathy – To not just know the pain & emotion of others but also feel, care & act to the best at the same time.
  • Non-violence –  Every living being is part of moral fabric, Nobody can seize their right to live for one’s own benefit. Thus, being kind to the all living beings is the fundamental duty of every human being.

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